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Get Versatile
With Your Vinyl
Record Display

Record Props

The story behind the brand

In 2015, our co-founder, Tim DeSilva began an industrial design experiment. What followed was a passion project that would one day become a second business. From rapid prototyping, to testing the market on Kickstarter, to the realization of what was once just a sketch, Record Props was born in 2017.

A first-of-its-kind product type, Record Props was the first design to hit the market that displays both a vinyl record and it's large-format cover art, together as one, or separate from one another in an easy and rapid way.

From the product design itself, to the visual identity, positioning, packaging, ecommerce and digital marketing, Record Props has now become one of the top recognized (and ranked) utilities in the market category (it helps to have a pretty stellar brand & marketing team behind a good idea).

Through this process, our team was fortunate enough to learn (a lot) about the industrial design process, ecommerce fulfillment, and the ability to take full control of the entire supply chain which allows for the company to operate as agile as possible while responding to the market demand when needed.

Keep an eye on more product development to come within this parent brand, and keep the music playing... always.

The Ongoing Results

record props logorecord props logo
record props logo colorsrecord props icon design colors
record props iconography brandingrecord props iconography branding
record props coaster designrecord props sticker illustrationsrecord props product design demorecord props poster design
record props packaging designrecord props product design demorecord props product design photography
record props featured press
record props website design
record props website design
record props social media brandingrecord props mobile website and ecommerce design
Work With Us
( you're gonna love it )

Let's Talk About You...

You are moments away from great conversations and big ideas.
Tell us about yourself, your brand, your organization, where you're from, and where you're going.
We're all ears.

culture pilot branding & marketing (divider line)
Your inflight menu includes:
  • An intro call to interrogate us like Columbo
  • An assessment of your current brand and potential fit in the market
  • Education about the Culture Pilot methodologies
  • The ins-and-outs of visual, digital and content strategies
  • Determining if Culture Pilot is the perfect fit for your brand and marketing needs (future world domination)
We love details
Or code name if you're a spy
Spelling is important here
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