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Bee2Bee Honey Package Design

AmPd Labs

Accelerating Additive Manufacturing One Print At A Time...

With a rich history in traditional manufacturing and production methods, combined with over a decade of industrial design and 3D printing at the backbone, AmPd Labs was born.

AmPd Labs combines the latest in Metal Binder Jetting technology, Direct Light Projection, Selective Laser Sintering and highly knowledgeable product design. This equates not only to top-tier consulting, but the ability to build products rapidly and cost effectively.

Culture Pilot helped take an idea and a name, and bring it to reality through brand strategy and positioning (leading to the now coined Digital Craftsman), visual identity, website development, environmental design, and social media management.

AmPd Labs aims to be the regional hub for learning and producing all things within the realm of additive manufacturing. With Houston, Texas already being the largest industrial city in America, AmPd continues to show that innovation in manufacturing is perpetual.

The Ongoing Results

Work With Us
( you're gonna love it )

Let's Talk About You...

You are moments away from great conversations and big ideas.
Tell us about yourself, your brand, your organization, where you're from, and where you're going.
We're all ears.

culture pilot branding & marketing (divider line)
Your inflight menu includes:
  • An intro call to interrogate us like Columbo
  • An assessment of your current brand and potential fit in the market
  • Education about the Culture Pilot methodologies
  • The ins-and-outs of visual, digital and content strategies
  • Determining if Culture Pilot is the perfect fit for your brand and marketing needs (future world domination)
We love details
Or code name if you're a spy
Spelling is important here
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